An Innovative, Automated Approach to Enable a Virtual, Secure, One-Click Interoperability of Referrals and Prior Authorizations for Your Radiology Practice
Wednesday, April 14 @ 11am PST/2pm EST
Infinx Healthcare and ScriptSender have partnered to enable secure, one-click interoperability between healthcare providers for some of the most labor-intensive issues in the radiology workflow.
As patients are referred to your practice, ScriptSender can establish a secure, industry-standard, encrypted connection to send any document—including clinicals, lab results, and insurance cards—from the referring provider. ScriptSender offers an innovative way to transfer these documents quickly, easily, and securely from one provider to another utilizing a virtual printer. If you can print it, you can send it—it’s that simple.
Infinx’s technology streamlines the prior authorization workflow by leveraging automation and artificial intelligence, combined with ScriptSender’s ability to deliver digital data; the result is greater control over your revenue cycle—for both referrers and imaging providers. With our combined solution, you’ll be able to determine, in real-time, if a diagnostic imaging procedure requires a prior authorization or not, with a high level of precision for most national and large local payers—creating a fully complementary experience using one unified dashboard.
Join us for our webinar and demo of how our solution can increase and accelerate your reimbursement cycle and greatly facilitate a stronger relationship with your referring providers and patients.
You’ll discover:
- How the combination of technologies simplifies and automates your workflow to reduce your prior authorization turnaround times drastically.
- How our unified, digital solution eliminates VPN and HL7 integrations costs, with no installs, downloads, or costs to your referring physician to use—removing the administrative burden from your referring providers.
- How our automated solution significantly reduces the need for burdensome manual follow-ups (i.e., long hold time, faxing and refaxing, etc.), saving your practice valuable time and resources.

David Byrd
VP, Growth & Strategy, Infinx Healthcare

Jim Burchfield
Sr. VP, Sales and Business Development, ScriptSender